I’ve been a horror movie junkie pretty much my entire life. Maybe it has to do with the dark, supernatural, otherworldly themes, or maybe I just like the adrenaline.  Either way,  all you have to do is mention the word horror and I will automatically be interested. This will always be true about me, however, I am finding that lately, I’m growing a bit weak. Perhaps it’s the lack of horror movies that have been in my life recently due to long hours at work and just general busyness (boo, adulting), but it’s happening. I am more easily scared and I cannot for the life of me watch a horror movie alone. Maybe a thriller, on a good day, but that’s about it. With all of that being said, I sat down with my oldest scary movie partner the other day, and we picked this one, and let me tell you, we were BOTH terrified.


delirium movie review I do have to admit that it is not the most original storyline. The movie features Tom, who has just been released from spending a considerable amount of time in a mental hospital. Through memories and flashbacks, we begin to learn about the series of events that got him to where he is.

We also begin to slowly put the pieces together about his family. His father has recently passed away and left Tom his huge mansion. Shortly after moving into the house, some strange things start happening and Tom quickly becomes paranoid as he struggles to decipher what is real, and what is only a trick of his own mind.

The Scares

This movie may be a little lackluster when it comes to rich and enticing plot development, but for me, the scare factor tends to make up for it. I think we can all agree that a scary movie isn’t really a scary movie without some jump scares. The question always is – were they done well, and were they effective?

The answer, in this case, is a resounding yes. So many movies cop-out on the jump scares and use mirrors, showers, and closing doors to reveal something shocking. Delirium doesn’t do that. It somehow manages to throw the random shadows and sudden, disturbing visions at you in other ways. I believe I have enough history with the horror genre to call myself a veteran. I tend to pride myself on my ability to predict the jump scares. Such was not the case here. They really got me almost every time.

Jump scares were not the only tactic here though. Tom is living alone in an absolutely gigantic house. That alone is a creepy thing. We are also made very aware of Tom’s compromised mental state, so even the audience isn’t always sure what is real or not. I found myself questioning quite a few things, and in the end, I wasn’t even always right.

I have to say that I am also a fan of the way this was filmed. Whether it was on purpose or simply because of a lower budget I don’t know, but it definitely worked. This is not a found footage movie, but it reminded me a little bit of one. It had that very raw, unpolished feel, without actually looking like it was shot by amateurs. I found that it set a really good, really dark mood right off the bat.

The Cast

delirium movie reviewI will say this every time it happens, and I’m not ashamed because it is one of my favourite things. I love it when a movie pulls itself off with a very small cast of characters. Delirium is one of these movies. There are a good number of times when we are left alone with Tom and his thoughts. Even when Tom isn’t alone, his human interaction is minimal at best and so this haunting story is told using only a handful of people.

For me, when the cast is so small, I feel like I’m getting to know the characters on a deeper level than when there is an entire entourage of side characters. Large casts have their place, don’t get me wrong. But for a movie like this one that wants to pack a creepy punch, it’s a good idea to get the viewers emotionally invested in the characters.

The Twist

What’s a horror movie without a good twist ending, am I right? When was the last time you saw a scary movie that had a happy ending? It is not a common occurrence, and Delirium is no exception. Unfortunately, much like the plot itself, I can’t say that it was the most original twist. I figured it out several minutes before the reveal. While it wasn’t the most shocking thing in the world, it was still poetic and I would still say it made for a solid ending. I did miss the slight rush that always comes with a true shock, but I wasn’t entirely disappointed either.


Want to Watch?

The movie is available for purchase from Amazon, and it’s pretty cheap!





About The Author

First and foremost, I love Jesus. He died for me, and therefore I live for him! In addition, I am a huge book nerd, a massive music enthusiast and a lover of movies. These things are my passion, and I am here to share it with you.

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